A Relaxing Weekend at Tidung Island

Tidung Island is the perfect spot for a quick weekend getaway, provided you live in Jakarta. Need a break from the stress, smog and traffic of Jakarta city life? Tidung Island is fairly close, fairly easy to get to, affordable, and … lovely! (Who knew you could find clear waters and white sands just a few hours from the Big Durian?)

Tidung Island at Sunset - Thousand Islands
Tidung Island at Sunset.
 Tidung is one of 130-ish islands that make up “Pulau Seribu,” or “The Thousand Islands.” 870 short of a thousand, but that’s pedantic really. While we’re on the topic though, here’s a quick and useless fun fact: The Thousand Islands are technically part of Jakarta, which makes it the only capital city in the world that consists of over 100 islands. Interesting?

Getting to Tidung Island

Making your way to Tidung Island can be both the best and worst part of your trip. The boats depart from a lovely port in North Jakarta that isn’t stinky at all.

Just kidding.

Boats to Tidung actually depart from the Muara Angke Fish Market, which is most of the time flooded, and all of the time stinky. Depending on the mode of transport you take to get to the market, you may or may not have to wade through ankle deep fish water, interspersed with floating dead rats just to get your boat. In case you skipped breakfast, not to fear! Small stalls line the fish market, selling not only fresh fish and chicken, but also cup-noodles, gorengan, and other fast snacks and refreshments. More likely than not, however, you will not want to eat while wading through the fish market.

Getting to Tidung Island - Boat from Muara Angke
The boat to Tidung.
 To be fair, though, although the above story is 100% true, it is a few years outdated. Now, you can absolutely drive all the way to where the boats are, without wading through anything. The streets are much cleaner, and the port itself is highly upgraded!

Anyway, once at the port, you can choose the “fast boat” or the “slow boat.” Fast boats have seats, and well.. go fast. The trip will take roughly an hour, and set you back about IDR 100.000. The ride is comfortable, but the slow boat is much more adventurous! Slow boats have no seats. Lay a mat out across the floor, find a place to sit, and enjoy the ride. The lack of seats also allows you to lay down and have a nap! Slow boats cost about IDR 40.000 per person and will take about 3 hours to arrive at Tidung.    

A Place to Stay

 Most of the accommodations are ‘homestay,’ which are simple rooms, usually with mattresses laid out across the floor. Many of these can be booked in complete packages which include 3 meals a day plus snacks, as well as a boat ride out for snorkeling, or some other water sports.

Our personal favorite place to stay is Mutiara Tidung. These accommodations consist of simple bamboo huts right on the beach. The rooms are furnished only with mattresses and a fan, but for Tidung, that’s really all you need. If you’re feeling adventurous, you can even opt to spend the night in a tent instead of the bamboo huts.

Mutiara Tidung - Beachside accommodation
Mutiara Tidung beachside accommodations.
 Spend the day relaxing in the outdoor seating area of your hut, take a leisurely wade through the clear waters, or explore the island!

Exploring Tidung - Things to do on the Island

 Tidung island actually consists of two islands joined by a long bridge, known as the Love Bridge (Jembatan Cinta.)The larger island is one of the largest islands in the thousand islands, with its own government buildings and schools, while the smaller island is dedicated to a mangrove reserve.
Most of the excitement happens down at the Love Bridge. Here, there are a variety of simple water activities, including banana boats rides and kayaking. However, your trip to Tidung isn’t complete until you take part in the ultimate Tidung Tradition – leaping from the Love Bridge!

Exciting water sports at Tidung Thousand Islands

 The Love Bridge is also a romantic spot to relax and enjoy the changing colors of the sky as the sun goes down, or enjoy a leisurely stroll after nightfall.

After sunset is the perfect time to relax over a simple evening meal and some drinks. If you’re staying at Mutiara, you can even build a campfire and spend the night enjoying the glistening glow of the flames while getting to know your Mutiara neighbors!

Although nothing fancy, Tidung Island is an excellent choice for a quick break from Jakarta and a relaxing weekend at the beach.

Awesome Indonesia Traveller tips for Tidung

    Campfire at Tidung Island Indonesia
  • Tidung is a simple island. Make sure to bring your own towels, toiletries, and anything else you may urgently need.
  • While there is one ATM on the island, it’s a better idea to bring enough cash.
  • Book ahead if you’re going for the weekend. It can get busy.

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