5 things I never knew I’d miss from Indonesia

Having spent the better part of my life in Indonesia, I’ve had the pleasure (and displeasure) of experiencing many of the faces (and facades) of Indonesia. The good, the bad, and the ugly—and everything in between. After leaving, there was a lot that I had previously thought I would miss, that I really didn’t. And some odd things that I did.

After being away for nearly a month now, these are the 5 things I never knew I’d miss from Indonesia.

1.    Grab Bike.

Grab Bike - things I miss from Indonesia

 GrabBike is hands-down the number one for this list. I don’t care what country you live in or how good the transport or traffic is, it doesn’t beat a motorbike taxi. There’s something much more pleasant about a bike than a car. And if you suddenly have to start a daily commute, something as basic as walking to the bus stop can become a chore. On the other hand, getting picked up and dropped off at the doorstep of your house to absolutely anywhere without so much as having to press 2 buttons on your App is definitely one of the things I miss. And of course the best part is that a ride rarely even costs $2. It's quite rare in any country that the fastest way to travel is also the cheapest. Best of both worlds. Ahhh.

Yes, yes, I know I should be saying Gojek, but I prefer Grab.

2.    Instant Gratification (AKA: Tokopedia)

 Jakarta is where I’ve spent the better part of the last decade, and on the same topic as the first point is this. If there’s one thing I know about Jakarta, it’s that traffic will RUIN YOUR LIFE!! That being said, Indonesia does come up with some fantastic work-arounds that can make some people fantastically lazy. One word: Tokopedia. Pretty much, it’s something like EBay – a marketplace for a community of sellers (and buyers.) Except for one main difference: Same Day Delivery. You just can’t beat that. Really.

tokopedia - things I miss from Indonesia
This is me anytime anyone asks me where to buy anything: "Udah cek Tokopedia, belum?"
Once I was bored and wanted a new book to read. Going to the book store? Wayyy too much work. Probably spend 2 hours in traffic. Not to mention that I wouldn’t know if the store even has a book I want since no one picks up the phone. Open Tokopedia: Search. Filter to JADEBOTABEK. Filter to Delivery by Grab or Gojek. Buy. Done. One hour later, book in my hand.

MR. mercedes - tokopedia
One of many successful Tokopedia transactions. Now I have something to read this afternoon.

Another time, I went across the road to the mall to buy balloons for my son’s birthday. I don’t even know why I bothered walking to the mall, because they had no balloons. Open Tokopedia. Sooo many to choose from! And for literally a tiny fraction of the mall price. Needless to say, we had a lot of balloons that birthday. 

2a.    Instant Gratification #2

Yes, I know I mentioned Grab earlier in terms of transport, but this is where Gojek has it covered: GoManicure, GoMassage, GoClean. Everything you need in life from the comfort of one app.

3.    The Coffee Aisle

Indonesia Coffee Aisle - Supermarket
Thanks for the image, Nathan & Becky. Never quite thought I'd need a photo from the supermarket.
 You know how they say you don’t appreciate it till it’s gone? I went to the supermarket the other day (not in Indonesia.) Normally I buy 3-in-1 Cappuccino. There wasn’t 27 types of Cappuccino to choose from. There was no types. No cappuccino. Also no Chococcino or Mocaccino. No Vanilla coffee. No Caribbean Nut. No ice coffee. No kopi luwak. No Kapal Api.  No Hot Chocolate. No ginger Coffee. Filled with sorrow, I had to choose between like 10 types of coffee that all look the same. 10 types. That’s like one-eighth of an aisle. This is why I never drink coffee when I’m not in Indonesia.

4.    ATMs that can do ALL THINGS!

 To be honest, I’m not too sure what ATMs in other countries can or cannot do, but one thing is certain: a POSB ATM in Singapore CAN’T do an interbank transfer. Why?? Who knows. Useless. I once cabbed for like 10 minutes to the ATM to make an urgent transfer because I left my dongle at home and couldn’t do it online. I had to cab back, sans transfer. You can only transfer to SAME bank via ATM. Not sure if all the other banks are the same. Haven't bothered to try a second time.

ATMS - things I miss from Indonesia

 Also ATMs don’t seem to be EVERYWHERE like they are back in Indo. ATMs in Indo can withdraw (of course), transfer to same bank, transfer to OTHER bank, top up your cellphone credit, pay your phone bill, pay your water bill, pay your electric bill, pay your credit card, pay for an airline ticket, pay your insurance, pay your loans, and so much more!

5.    Things that cost a Dollar

Cinere Mall - things I miss from Indonesia
Who can guess which mall this is?
 When I first started writing this, I actually only had the top 4 in mind. But who can leave the developing world without missing the cost of living? Here are some things you can get in Indonesia for a dollar or less:
-half a dozen eggs
-a liter of coca cola (not that I drink coke)
-a liter of petrol
-a plate of nasi goring
-a train ticket to another city (Jakarta – Bogor)
-a GIANT bag of gorengan
-a liter of milk (fine, only if it’s on sale)

Anything else? Probably plenty, but I’m trying to think of things that you can’t get for a dollar in other countries.

Well, that’s the end of my list for now. What are the things you miss most from Indonesia, or some other second home?

Let me know in the comments.
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